recognizing racism - book recommendations
These are a collection of books that I have seen recommended as a response of left wing white women asking, "What can we do to show we're an ally/a safe space/that we voted for Kamala?"
As a white woman who is still learning -
The answer is nothing. The answer is to stop asking how YOU can show that YOU are safe.
The answer is to educate yourself on racism and take a fucking stand and interrupt when you see someone being racist. Acknowledge that you have white privilege and USE it to help women.
Racism isn't just someone saying something racist. By being silent because you,"don't know enough about the topic to intervene" or you're, "scared of making waves" or "you don't want to ruin your family's holiday" you're making the problem worse.
Search "Haka in Parlament" on tiktok/youtube/google and find a video.
THAT is the energy we need to have when standing up to to people we call our friends. Families. Strangers. Men.
You have the fucking privilege. Educate yourself and get in their faces. Call them out. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Don't skip seeing your family for the holidays because they voted for the Fanta Fascist. Get a book from below - or see if your county's library website has an app because they list have them as a digital library book you can check out (for free) and go to the holidays - and make fucking waves.
So these are all books that I've seen recommended to look into. Just so they can all be in one place for easy access.
If there's a title that you think I should add feel free to comment at the bottom of the page ⬇️
Below are two options for the lists. The books are exactly same on both lists -
The first list will link you be able to support YOUR local black owned bookstore with your purchase.
(More details in list)
The second link is Amazon, if the book is out of stock on the local store, or you're impatient and insist on next day shipping or whatever
("whatever" means you should really go local please :) but in case you don't, any commissions that come to me from the amazon links will go to purchase books on my local black owned bookstores wish list)

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